Ant Queen Boss Medievil

Break the big wall and get ready to fight with the ant queen.
Ant queen boss medievil. The patterns on the floors of the open chambers should help you to navigate but you can t get out until you kill the queen ant. Ring fit adventure what does a professional trainer think about this workout game. Medievil queen ant boss fight. The next page of medievil game guide includes a walkthrough of the hidden ant caves level.
The fight works like so. The ant caves the ant queen guards the exit to this unusual level. If you are brave enough to go beyond this point you will enter the chamber of the dreaded queen ant. Kill the small ants that appear then you ll notice she exposes her.
Be aware once you have encountered her six legged regalness there will be no going back be wary of her powerful spit attacks. The queen ant summons worker ants throughout the fight. Kill her soldier ants to trigger her cave in attack. She can be found in the ant caves level.
Be the first to share what you think. The ant queen is a very menacing and intimidating looking boss that can be found in the ant caves. More posts from the medievil community. Her attacks consist of spitting acid at dan and summoning ant soldiers to fight in her stead.
Once you destroy the big amber and drop down the queen ant boss fight starts. As far as her attacks are concerned she fires off projectiles from her mouth while also depending on the ads that spawn in this case they are small ants that you have to. Having said that the boss fight is fairly simple. Austin john plays recommended for you.
Sir daniel fortesque meets a witch in enchanted earth and decides to help her in finding ambers inside the ant caves. The ant queen is a boss from medievil. It s actually one of the harder bosses and if it gives you too much trouble you may want to come back later. When you ve collected the amber and freed all the fireflies break the glass in the central chamber and get into one of the more difficult boss battles.
Then attack her vulnerable belly with everything you ve got. For medievil on the playstation walkthrough by inoble. Boss 3 ant queen. View discussions in 4 other communities.
Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Watch out for ants. Dan must defeat her to escape the ant hill.